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Online Classes

Ashtanga Intro


5:30 pm

with Giovanna

Ashtanga Yoga is a traditional and rigid system of yoga as taught by K. Patthabhi Jois.  All students practise the same sequence of postures and earn new postures as you progress in your practice. This method of dynamic yoga involves synchronising the breath with a progressive series of postures, this class is suitable for beginners wishing to learn this style of yoga.


Ashtanga Mysore Practice


5:30 pm

with Giovanna

This Ashtanga Mysore class has been created to help you memorise and build your own dedicated Ashtanga practice. Providing you with a weekly space under the watchful eye of your teacher, growing stronger connections to your own practice helping you to build strength and progress in your Ashtanga practice.


Beginners Pranayama meditation

Monday - Friday

6:30 am

with Giovanna

These classes are ideal for people who experience anxiety and stress.

Looking for an entry level meditation class that uses breath, repetition, sound and pranayama techniques to help release stress and anxiety, improve memory, clarity of mind, and sleep for the body.                                    Helping you build a consistent meditation practice together.



Traditional Hatha Yoga is the foundation of all yoga practice and involves a slow transition from one posture to another.  It is particularly suitable for beginners as it is slower paced than Ashtanga or Vinyasa classes.


Chair Yoga


11.00 am

with Leanne

Especially suitable for older practitioners or those with mobility issues, Chair Yoga is a gentle flow of postures that are practiced seated, also sometimes standing with the use of a chair as a prop.


Friday Winddown


5:30 pm

with Leanne

A gentle mat flow class to unwind, refocus and refresh after a long week. 

Including breath awareness, slow and mindful movement and a meditative relaxation to freshen up for the weekend.

Yin Yoga


9.00 am

Yin Yoga is a slower form of yoga which references traditional Chinese medicine in its stimulation of the meridians (nadis in Hatha yoga).  Asanas are held for longer periods of time than in other styles, beginners may start by holding for 45 seconds to two minutes while more advanced practitioners may hold postures for five minutes or more.  The longer hold time in Yin poses focusses on the connective tissues of the body, the tendons, fasciae, and ligaments, with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility.  


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